Tami Fuiten
Tami initially sought out yoga as a way to continue healing/stay physically and mentally fit following a neck injury; in addition to relieving stress and be able to “slow down” her type A personality.
Tami was thrilled with how her body felt including relief from pain, healthier and felt emotionally more at peace. She wanted to become a yoga teacher early on in her practice to learn more and dive deeper into the physical and mental aspects of yoga. After practicing for many years, and wanting to share the many benefits of practicing yoga, she took the opportunity to train to become a teacher, graduating in 2019 with her 200-hour certification.
Tami loves the personal growth yoga promotes by teaching acceptance and self-love as well as how it continually teaches us to bring life into balance, one breath at a time. Tami’s classes provide instruction with flexible sequencing that is creative and challenging yet accessible. She encourages her students to honor and work within their own bodies and to take physical options that will best serve them at that moment.